Saturday, August 21, 2010

Emily's 6 Tips for Healthy Habits at Restaurants

I’m sorry it has been so long since I last updated!! I have been keeping busy with traveling, practice, and appearances. I hope you enjoy this little article I put together about healthy eating at restaurants…enjoy!

Emily’s 6 Tips for Healthy Habits at Restaurants!

So you want to socialize with friends and family at restaurants and still be able to stick to your diet? Well, guess what…It’s definitely not impossible! I’ve compiled a list of the 6 tips that I follow when I go out to eat and although they may be hard at times, once you get used to and live by these rules, it’ll be a piece of cake to keep unwanted pounds off and keep a lively social life!

1. Order a to-go box right away. Restaurants serve platters like plates which gives you the impression that you aren’t consuming as much as you really are. As soon as you order your meal, ask for a to-go box to come out with your meal, that way you can cut your meal in half and only eat one half at the restaurant. You’ll have some yummy leftovers for lunch the next day, and you’ll be saving yourself a bunch of calories. Both my mom and dad swear by this rule, and I know you will too once you try it.

2. Skip the dressings, sauces, and creams. If you notice “creamy” in the title of the food you want to eat, STAY AWAY! These dishes are usually extremely calorie laden, and high in fat and sodium. If you absolutely cannot resist, ask your server if you can order the dish without the sauce. You’d be surprised what cooks can do! If you order a salad, ask first if they have a low fat or low calorie version of the dressing you desire, then ask if you can get it on the side rather than tossed in with the salad. If they don’t have a light dressing, you might try having your salad “naked”. I used to douse my salads with pounds of fatty dressing, essentially cancelling out any benefits that I may have gotten from the vegetables in the salad. However, after seeing someone order a salad without dressing, I decided to order my salad “naked” too. I fell in love. My entire “salad experience” has been totally changed, I’ve figured out different, more exciting ways to spice up my salads. Anything from berries, almonds, and seeds to pepper and lemon juice have graced my salad plate, and trust me any combination is wonderful!

3. When you are finished eating, put a piece of gum in and stick your napkin on your plate. This way you won’t be tempted to “nibble” when you’re full. I’ve actually heard of people dumping their drinks on their plates when they reached their limit, and while I’ve never tried it, I’m sure this option would work as well. When I go out to eat, my dinner date/s and I usually end up talking long after we are actually finished eating, if food is still in front of me I am always tempted to eat it! So, if you are like me and you often get tempted to “nibble” while waiting for your table to be cleared, try one of these options to curb your desire!

4. Order water with your meal rather than soda or liquor. Water is amazing for you, and, if you are like most people, you don’t get enough of it in your day. Aside from saving yourself unnecessary calories, you are saving yourself some money too, as both soda and liquor are more expensive and very high in calories.

5. Ask your server to take the bread basket back to the kitchen. Many restaurants serve rolls, breadsticks, or a small loaf of bread at the beginning of a meal, however, by skipping out on the bread you are saving yourself a load of calories and you also have more room for the delicious meal that you went there for in the first place! If you are with a larger group of people, and you don’t feel like you can just send the entire platter back, pop in some gum to give yourself something to do. This is the perfect time to practice your willpower skills!

6. Skip out on dessert. I am definitely the type of person who NEEDS something sweet at the end of a meal. It’s the natural order of things, right? However, the desserts served at restaurants are generally above or right around the 1000 calorie mark! If you need something sweet, either stock your purse (or pockets, for you guys out there) with fruity gum, or go home and create your own lower calorie version of the dessert you are craving. With a little research and planning you can make some pretty amazing desserts, while saving yourself a lot of calories (and guilt!)

Just for fun…sort of as a seventh tip…I want everyone to go to any restaurant chain’s website and look at their nutrition information listing. Check out the calories in some of the foods you usually eat. Surprised at the high calorie count? Just keep that in mind the next time you eat out! Remember that even if something looks “healthy”, it could be causing you to hold on to the unnecessary pounds that you are looking to get rid of!

Stay Healthy,


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