Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Any health nuts out there?

Hello All!

My name is Emily Paige and I am a complete and total health nut! I am obsessed with finding new and exciting health foods, exercises, and tips, and I am beyond thrilled to share that passion with you all!  I was recently crowned Miss Frazee (MAO) and I am looking forward to working more with my personal platform, Fit For Life: Making Healthy a Habit, as well as the Miss America Organization's national platform, Children's Miracle Network.  I decided to start this blog because of my aspirations to one day be a journalist as well as my desire to share every tip and insight that I come across with you all!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope that I am an encouragement to those of you who want to incorporate some healthier habits into your day!

LOTS more to come!

Emily Paige

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