Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful day full of food, family, and fellowship.  I want to apologize for the long wait between my last post and now.  Even though it is no excuse, I have been extremely busy with school, work, and life in general!  I hope you all have been continuing to work on your own personal health, wellness, and fitness goals during my hiatus.

For this post, I just wanted to share a few post Thanksgiving eating tips that I have found helpful! Here they are:

1. Don't get too down on yourself, it's only ONE day!  I find myself sometimes struggling with the problem of getting frustrated with myself after a large meal or a "splurge" day, so to speak.  I want to stress, however, that it is just fine to eat and enjoy your Thanksgiving day meal.  It's just not worth it to ruin a wonderful day with family and friends by stressing about what you ate or didn't eat.  Instead, simply remind yourself that Thanksgiving is one day out of the year where it is expected that you will consume more calories, and you shouldn't deprive yourself of that fun treat! With that in mind...

2. Try to get back on the healthy track starting Friday!  As soon as possible, go back to your regular eating habits.  For me, I think this is especially hard to do because we always have delicious leftovers in our refrigerator in the days following Thanksgiving.  The sooner I get back to my regular eating habits, however, the sooner I feel healthier and more energetic!  I'm not saying you have to throw out all of your leftovers or not eat anything from Thanksgiving on Friday, but I do encourage you not to have a repeat of Thanksgiving dinner every day for the next week!

3. Keep exercising and stay active!  Much like number two, don't fall off the exercise wagon after Thanksgiving.  I know sometimes we feel sluggish because we eat more than average, but try not to let that affect your exercise schedule.  You will likely feel much better and more energized once you get back to your normal routine.  I went for a run on our treadmill tonight after feeling quite "stuffed" (get it?)  from a day of eating, and I felt much better after.  If you don't feel ready to hop right back on a treadmill or elliptical, go walk your dog or take a stroll around the block!  I guarantee that even that tiny bit of exercise will help.

4. Plan ahead for Christmas!  While this may seem kind of dorky to some, I love finding (or creating) healthier options of my favorite treats!  Christmas, like Thanksgiving, is a time for lots of fellowship that takes place primarily around dinner tables overflowing with food.  While I absolutely encourage you to participate and enjoy the Holiday season, just remember to treat your body with respect and don't gorge on a regular basis!  Something fun you can try for this Christmas is baking your favorite Christmas cookies in the healthiest way possible.  Substitute Truvia (or another zero-calorie sweetener, if you prefer...Truvia is a bit expensive but NATURAL! Which is totally worth it!) for sugar and find low-fat or fat-free options of ingredients or mixes.  I am planning on doing this this year and I hope you guys let me know if you find or know of any fun, healthier options for Christmas treat essentials!

Thanks for being patient with my slow posting! I hope you really enjoyed this one, and I promise LOTS more to come!  Make sure you message me with questions, comments, or suggestions on future posts!

God Bless and, once again, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Stay Healthy!
